
Written translation is a combination of artistic approach, attention and erudition. No type of document or text does really matter: attention is most important for standard official documents, creative approach is particular for fiction texts, technical translations require specific knowledge in the sphere concerned. Nevertheless, only the combination of the aforesaid elements makes it possible to attain the translation quality as may be adequate for the document “adaptation” with the applications in interest.

Our translation services can be conventionally divided into two major groups, each having certain peculiarities: document making for individual and corporate clients.

Individual document making is simpler for translation; however, it is much more complex for formalization in strict compliance with the accepting party. For this purpose, our counselors coordinate the formalization options with the client to match the specific requirements, if any, or, in default, to make the documents suitable for widest variety of applications. We make documents for embassies and missions of different countries (application forms, immigration and non-immigrant package preparation, making inquiries and solicitations, etc.), for public authorities (Civil Registry offices, customs, certification authorities, institutions of justice, municipal services, notarial offices, etc.), for various purposes (marriage, residence, real estate and movables transactions, confirmation of education, work and/or residence abroad, etc.). The documents can be certified by the Agency, notary public or other public authority for foreign use (Apostille, consular legalization). Therefore, taking into consideration various requirements that may apply when making documents, no unified cost of translation and formalization can be possibly established for all purposes. For each specific application, please contact our office.

For corporate clients, voluminous translations are generally required with no certification or, alternatively, to be certified by our Agency. Documents can be transmitted electronically or made on paper or both. Reference to the customized requirements, diagrams, drawings, charts and other illustrative applications of the original text can be imported to the translated version. For prompter translations, we engage 2 translators (at most!), one of which performs the finishing editorial work afterwards. We deal with translations in various spheres (legal, technical translations, business, finances, banking, IT, electrical engineering and electronics, oil and petrochemistry, medicine, biology, etc.).

The translation cost is based on conditionally standard (reference) page of 1800 symbols (spaces included) in accordance with Standard GOST 6.39-72, Regulation No. 51 dated February 22, 1940, and other regulatory acts. This standard is also applied for translations made within UN organizations. 

Additionally, our Agency performs editing and abstracting of texts, translations for web-sites, page-proofing and other translation-related services.